Contact & direction
How to get to the Manoir ?in Binic-Étables-sur-mer
The Manoir La Ville Durand is in the village of Binic-Étables-sur-mer, a charming seaside resort in Brittany.
By train
The nearest Train station TVG
- Saint-Brieuc 20 minutes
- Guingamp 25 minutes
The duration of the TGV direct Paris/Saint-Brieuc is approximately: 2h24.
Car rentals available from local rental agencies
By flight
Nearest airport
- Rennes 1h20
- Brest 1h30
- Nantes 2h30
Car rentals available at the airport
= car journey time
Stay in the peaceful setting of the Manoir La Ville Durand, just a few minutes from the sea and the beaches of the bay of Saint Brieuc.
Write to us
For all other requests about the apartments of Manoir La Ville Durand, please contact us.